Temporary Visas | Permanent Visas | US Citizenship | Visa Waiver
US Visas for individuals cover a wide range of different categories; everything from a Professional worker, Fiancée, speciality occupation or simply a holidaymaker, to anything in between. Our high success rate combined with our lawyers always being always on hand to answer questions provides our clients with the confidence that their visa is being handled in a professional manner.
We are highly experienced with the H-1B Visa (Australian’s would instead utilize the E-3 Australian Professional Workers Visa which is similar, but used only for Australian citizens) and other employment-based visa applications, so if you wish to work in the United States please contact us for more information on how best to seek employment within the USA.
If you are an individual who has a sizeable amount of funds to invest in the United States (for example, you could liquidate properties) then a US Investors Visa may be more appropriate as the visas available with no quotas and can lead to permanent residence within the United States.
If you are considering travelling to the USA on a holiday and have a criminal record, you are strongly advised to book a consultation to be certain that you are allowed to enter the country.
If you are not from a country recognized by the United States under the Visa Waiver Program you will also be required to attain a visa. Alternatively, if you wish to enter the US for a longer period than 90 days you will also need to Visa, and repeated back-to-back usage of the full 90 days should not be done.
Please call us on (UK) 0207 078 4127 or use the form to the right for more information!